Archive for June 2007

BumpTop & Surface

Anand Agarawala presents BumpTop, similar in interface methaphor to Microsoft’s recently annouced Surface. However the user interaction method means that BumpTop simply extends many of the conventions found in current computer interfaces. Surface is moving more towards a … Read more »


Mix rich colour, programming and a cool graphic design flair and you get Trafik. Currently a feature at apple. Gorgeous.… Read more »

@media2007, day one

My brief notes from day one of the @media conference 2007. These are the sessions that I attended, I’ll hopefully link to podcasts as they become available, I’m also going to search out notes and presentation slides from the sessions … Read more »

I am Error 404

I haven’t forgotten about writing up my @media07 experiences, many and varied that they were. Do not fear. However I thought I’d give it a week or two while the various presenters posted their notes etc (saves me the job … Read more »

@media 07

When you’ve a conference on your doorstep with big names from the web world turning up, it’s an insult to those not in the same position if you don’t go. How could I not? And it was well worth it, … Read more »


YouTube takes the form of something more meaningful and focussed – CitizenTube. Ain’t the Web great?! Example – I now know that, as of April ’07, mothers in Alabama don’t get access to certified professional midwives. Random I know, … Read more »