Archive for the category "@media"

@media 2009

I volunteered for this year’s conference so I was there from 6am packing bags then later answering questions and just generally helping out where needed. I did manage to attend a few sessions so what follows is a brief review … Read more »

6 million user website

Several years ago I remember taking part in an online survey somewhere on the BBC website. It was geared towards understanding what I, as a user, wanted to see in future developments. I made the effort to stop and take … Read more »

Jeff on Data Design

Jeff Veen‘s presentation is just as relevant to me now as it was when I took notes back in June. I listened intently since this man’s work history includes setting up the industry leading Adaptive Path and working … Read more »

To Be Contd…

I’ve been quiet on here for some time, only because I’ve been busy running a marathon and starting a new job… all normal stuff :) If you’ve been around you may have seen that I’ve been adding to my bookmarks… Read more »

Open and Social Week

My previous post looks like a rant. I think the events of Tuesday allowed a long running issue I had with Government (mostly web) security to spill out. The post was quickly written. I’m usually not as apparently irate, I’m … Read more »

Free calls, links galore & @media (again)

Links that I’ve come across over the last couple of weeks: The @media 2007 podcasts have been released (for the first day anyway). posted a piece about Co.mments. Anyone who knows me will understand that anything that aids … Read more »

@media2007, day one

My brief notes from day one of the @media conference 2007. These are the sessions that I attended, I’ll hopefully link to podcasts as they become available, I’m also going to search out notes and presentation slides from the sessions … Read more »

I am Error 404

I haven’t forgotten about writing up my @media07 experiences, many and varied that they were. Do not fear. However I thought I’d give it a week or two while the various presenters posted their notes etc (saves me the job … Read more »

@media 07

When you’ve a conference on your doorstep with big names from the web world turning up, it’s an insult to those not in the same position if you don’t go. How could I not? And it was well worth it, … Read more »