Archive for the category "BeBettr"

Edward Upton, Who Profits from Excellent Education?

My really rough notes from a presentation at #BeBettr. The usual disclaimer applies, things may be inaccurate. Plus uploaded from my iDevice, so expect mistakes. Of course this talk has some bias because Edward is running just such a … Read more »

Aral Balkan, Teaching Programming to Kids

My really rough notes from Aral Balkan‘s presentation at #BeBettr. The usual disclaimer applies, things may be inaccurate. Plus uploaded from my iDevice, so expect mistakes (have you ever typed HTML through one of these things? Ouch). Are … Read more »

Paul Miller, School of Everything

My really rough notes from the first presentation at #BeBettr. The usual disclaimer applies, things may be inaccurate. Plus uploaded from my iDevice, so expect mistakes (have you ever typed HTML through one of these things? Jeez). When it … Read more »