Archive for the category "books"

Undercover User Experience

Notes from Cennydd Bowles‘ presentation at London Web on Thursday 15 July 2010. Cennydd is currently at Clearleft. The User Experience (UX) disease Some businesses get user experience, but for every one that does there are 999 that … Read more »

V&A Connects – with onedotzero

Yesterday evening I went to a talk hosted by the V&A, entitled “Digital Futures: Storytelling in the Digital Domain“. The following is a reworking of my notes from the event, they are still pretty much as I … Read more »

@media 2009

I volunteered for this year’s conference so I was there from 6am packing bags then later answering questions and just generally helping out where needed. I did manage to attend a few sessions so what follows is a brief review … Read more »

6 million user website

Several years ago I remember taking part in an online survey somewhere on the BBC website. It was geared towards understanding what I, as a user, wanted to see in future developments. I made the effort to stop and take … Read more »

Jeff on Data Design

Jeff Veen‘s presentation is just as relevant to me now as it was when I took notes back in June. I listened intently since this man’s work history includes setting up the industry leading Adaptive Path and working … Read more »

@media2007, day one

My brief notes from day one of the @media conference 2007. These are the sessions that I attended, I’ll hopefully link to podcasts as they become available, I’m also going to search out notes and presentation slides from the sessions … Read more »

Lulu Blooker prize

Fiction, non-fiction and comics are all sections in this Blog-to-Book contest at the annual Lulu Blooker Prize. Check out the short-list for this year. So many books, I wish I could read faster :P… Read more »

Keep it simple stupid

That phrase has popped into my head on more than a few occasions recently (I guess some people will be bored of me saying it). So it was refreshing to see Joe Clarke’s deconstruction of signage on the Toronto public … Read more »

AJAX for the rest of us

Jeremy Keith has completed a book about AJAX for non-programmers, woohoo!, he mentions his blog specifically about DOMscripting…… Read more »

Typography and Whitespace

After a great article by Mark Boulton on Alistapart, one of the comments posted is a reminder of a site I’ve been lead to before but never documented: …and the acompanying book, The Elements of Typographic Style.Also, … Read more »