Archive for the category "google"

Justifying font choices

Web fonts are nothing new. Support for @font-face has been available since Internet Explorer 4 and the CSS3 specification is being designed to standardise this innovation. So why have I been on such a roller-coaster ride with them? The problem … Read more »

What I didn’t know about HTML5

(Plus a little bit of CSS3). Bruce Lawson from Opera software came to Skillsmatter on Wednesday night to talk about HTML5 (video here). What follows are my notes. I’m not an HTML5 boffin, but I did start to … Read more »

Google User Experience Research

Last Thursday evening I went to a talk hosted by the UKUPA at LBi. The following is a reworking of my notes from the event. As always, they may not be accurate, typos may exist and it may not … Read more »

@media 2009

I volunteered for this year’s conference so I was there from 6am packing bags then later answering questions and just generally helping out where needed. I did manage to attend a few sessions so what follows is a brief review … Read more »

Homage to the Nokia n95

The phone isn't perfect and there's lots of other software I haven't mentioned, but I thought I should acknowledge this phone's 15 months service to me before I upgrade. Read more »

A week is a long time…

Time is pretty scarce, so here is a brief roundup of links/events/opinions that have come my way… If it didn’t make sense the title is a reference to a quote from Harold Wilson, it seemed fitting given Opera’s move … Read more »

Open and Social Week

My previous post looks like a rant. I think the events of Tuesday allowed a long running issue I had with Government (mostly web) security to spill out. The post was quickly written. I’m usually not as apparently irate, I’m … Read more »

My first look at Android

What’s the point of the web if you can’t receive and send information as and when you want it? Google seems to know this and so, for those that haven’t heard, they’ve released the SDK for their mobile platform Android.… Read more »


Phil spotted Streetviewr, a collection of interesting images from Google Street View. However you can’t add your own just yet, google says “we’re not accepting photo submissions”. Wow, think what that could do when combined with something like … Read more »

First post, but useful

Usability Professionals’ Association, Conference Podcast 2006 Synchronise Google Canlendar with Outlook – useful tool? Texture King Free Stock Images … Read more »